The FLUX success story

From the inventor of the electrical drum pump to the system supplier

FLUX is an invention. In the year 1950 the first electric drum pump was introduced. It was named FLUX. Out of this core the FLUX-GERÄTE GMBH was established. The medium-sized company based in Maulbronn develops and sells innovative solutions in the field of pump technology.

2014 The world’s first brushless battery motor for pumps

Akku Motor FBM-B3100The world’s first brushless battery motor for pumps

With the FBM-B 3100 FLUX-GERÄTE GMBH presents the world’s first brushless battery motor for drum pumps. It works without carbon brushes and thus represents a maintenance-free drive. It was designed for the small sealless drum pump COMBIFLUX. In combination with the pump, the motor provides a delivery rate which is extraordinary for this type of pump and guarantees the highest possible degree of flexibility in operation.

2003 The first brushless ex-protected drum pump motor

GeschichteFLUX develops and builds the first brushless ex-protected drum pump motor type FBM 4000 Ex.

In 2003 FLUX supplemented its range of explosion-protected motors by the world’s first brushless drum pump motor, the FBM 4000 Ex that works almost maintenance-free thanks to its brushless design. Its long lifetime makes it especially interesting for continuous use. It is unusual quiet and creates very pleasant working conditions. This highlight of motor development can be used with all types of FLUX drum and container pumps.

2000 Generation change at FLUX: Klaus Hahn becomes new Managing Director

Herbert und Klaus HahnAfter almost 40 years the Managing Director Herbert Hahn handed over the operating business to his nephew, the Managing Director Klaus Hahn.

On 01.01.2000 Herbert Hahn handed over the operating business to his nephew, the present Managing Director Klaus Hahn, who has since been managing the business with great success. With the acquisition of the Cologne-based company SONDERMANN Pumpen + Filter GmbH & Co KG in 2005 and the foundation of subsidiaries in France, the Netherlands and India as well as an associated company in Thailand Klaus Hahn consolidates FLUX as a global company.

1997 The world’s first explosion-protected commutator motor

MO F 460 ExFLUX launches the world’s first explosion-protected commutator motor type F 460 Ex built and approved to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC.

In the 1990s FLUX proved again its lead in the field of safety technology for drum pumps. At this time, with the Directive 94/9/EC, also the use of drum pumps in hazardous areas as well as the transfer of high flammability liquids were summarized in a new standard.

FLUX put the world’s first explosion-protected commutator motor on the market that was built in accordance with this directive and approved by the Physical-Technical Federal Institution.


1994 Certification by the TÜV Southwest in accordance with Directive DIN EN ISO 9001

ISO Zertifikat_9001FLUX is certified as the first German company of the region by the TÜV Southwest in accordance with Directive DIN EN ISO 9001.

FLUX was a pioneer in quality management and was certified 1994 as the first company in the region by the TÜV Southwest in accordance with Directive DIN EN ISO 9001.

1991 New liquid meters with integrated microcomputer

MengenmesserPresentation of the new generation of the liquid meters type FMC with integrated microcomputer

With the liquid meter of the FMC series with integrated microcomputer FLUX proved once more its competence in system accessories. With this, the flow rate could be exactly controlled and documented during transfer. Partial and total quantities were now easy to read on the LCD display. Since then the FMC can be used in automatic mode for volume preset.

1991 Expansion of production area to over 4000 m²

Erweiterung der ProduktionsflächeExpansion of production area to over 4000 m²

In 1991, the management decided to build a new hall as the existing capacities were exhausted.
A new building with nearly 2600 m², a cellar and a flat roof was built. Here was now enough space for toolmaking and the plastic-injection moulding department. This way, FLUX remained faithful to the principle of producing as many parts as possible on its own. The high vertical range of manufacture ensures until today precision in every detail and highest quality. In order to improve the work processes and to increase the product quality even further FLUX invested significantly in the modernization of the production hall and the latest manufacturing technologies.

1962 Mr. Herbert Hahn joins the company as Managing Director

Herbert HahnMr. Herbert Hahn joins the company as Managing Director

By the early 60s FLUX-GERÄTE GMBH became independent and relocated its production more and more to the present production site in Maulbronn. In March 1962, Herbert Hahn took over the management where he contributed significantly to the innovations and entrepreneurial success. In addition, Herbert Hahn gained important markets on all five continents. In the 1980s, Herbert Hahn founded the first subsidiaries in the US and Great Britain. In the 90s, other markets such as Eastern Europe, Russia and China as well as India were opened.

1951 Foundation of the FLUX-GERÄTE GMBH. First ex-protected drum pump

FLUX 300 ExFoundation of the FLUX-GERÄTE GMBH.
The world’s first ex-protected drum pump

The company FLUX-GERÄTE GMBH, founded in 1951, distinguished itself from the beginning by products for various applications, including many special and customized products for different industries. A real revolution was the model F 300 Ex – the first ex-protected drum pump was approved by the Physical-Technical Federal Institution in 1953.

1950 The world’s first electric drum pump – product name FLUX

PHYAG PumpeThe world’s first electric drum pump – product name FLUX

In 1950 the first electric drum pump was officially registered under the patent no. 967 424. As a matter of course, it was named FLUX. The technological impulse came from the engineers of Phyag KG in Karlsruhe. In order to go into series production not only inventiveness but also entrepreneurial spirit was required. So Phyag KG sold the rights to the company Mauz & Pfeiffer GmbH & Co. KG in Stuttgart-Botnang to make a successful product of the idea.

1949 Establishment of the special department pump technology in Stuttgart

Fa. Maus & Pfeiffer, Stuttgart-BotnangEstablishment of the special department pump technology at “Progress Verkaufs GmbH” in Stuttgart

The success story of FLUX is closely linked to the history of the original parent company. Already in 1948 the Progress Verkaufs GmbH, with its Managing Director Ludwig Hahn, was established under the umbrella of Mauz & Pfeiffer in Stuttgart. Progress took over the total sales from Mauz & Pfeiffer and experienced a real boom in the beginning economic reconstruction of the young Federal Republic. Almost at the same time, in 1949, some students of the Technical University founded the Phyag KG in Karlsruhe-Durlach. With Nikolaus Laing as Managing Director they targeted to develop physical-technical devices for series production and to grow as a company by patent sales and licensing.