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New Technical Support Engineer

We were pleased to welcome Aaron Deeβ, Technical Support Engineer, to Flux UK for a one-month secondment. Aaron is normally based at Flux group headquarters in Maulbronn, near Stuttgart. Aaron recognised a need to improve his English speaking skills and broaden his experience.


Aaron Dees visit from Germany Flux Pumps

We were pleased to welcome Aaron Deeβ, Technical Support Engineer, to Flux UK for a one-month secondment. Aaron is normally based at Flux group headquarters in Maulbronn, near Stuttgart. Aaron recognised a need to improve his English speaking skills and broaden his experience.

Aaron helped Flux UK assemble a large order for filling systems for delivery to a global chemical service customer and completed numerous visits around the UK providing technical support to our customers.

It was a pleasure to have Aaron with us.


Contact and information:

FLUX Pumps Intern. (UK) Ltd.
12 Enterprise Park
Blackmoor Road
Verwood, Dorset BH31 6YS
Phone. +44 1202 823304
Fax +44 1202 813387

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