Terms of use

These terms and conditions of use govern use of data and information presented on this website, as well as the downloading of files. By using this website or downloading a file you agree to these terms and conditions of use.
This website is typically available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Due to the nature of the Internet and computer systems in general, however, FLUX cannot guarantee uninterrupted availability.

This website has been developed and administered by Flux Pumps International Ltd (hereinafter: 'FLUX'). While FLUX makes every effort to update website content, no liability is accepted regarding information provided by this website. Use of  information provided and files downloaded from this website is at the user’s own risk.

We reserve the right to alter at our sole discretion, at any time and without notice, in whole or in part, any content of this website, including our General Terms and Conditions of Business and our General Terms and Conditions of Sale, without any (prior) notice. Therefore, please check these terms every time you visit our website and note of any amendments or supplements.
Surrender of use
Unless otherwise indicated, all information, documents and pictures published on this website are the sole property of FLUX. Permission to use the aforementioned property is subject to the condition that the copyright notice “Copyright © Flux Pumps International (UK) Ltd” shall be provided on any copy thereof, the information shall be used exclusively for private purposes and not for any commercial purpose, the information shall not be changed in any way and any picture shall be used together with the text belonging to it.
Notwithstanding the above, the following applies:
Any and all videos published on this website and marked with the FLUX logo are the sole property of FLUX. They may be used in editorial reports in the media but their meaning must not be distorted by editorial additions. Any non-editorial, commercial use such as use of the videos for own products / purposes requires the express consent of FLUX. Should you have any questions, please contact info@flux-pumps.co.uk

FLUX has acquired the publication rights for any other videos published on this website. Any use of these videos requires the consent of the respective author. For information about the author, please contact

Photos and graphics are either the sole property of FLUX or FLUX has acquired the right to use them. The photos and graphics owned by FLUX may be used in editorial reports in the media. However, their meaning must not be distorted by editorial additions. Any non-editorial use of these photos and graphics requires the express consent of FLUX. To obtain consent, please contact info@flux-pumps.co.uk.

Any use of photos and graphics for which FLUX has only acquired rights of publication (red dot design award, IF product design award, markings EX, Glas Gabel, 3A, FDA and the logos of trade fairs and events) require the express consent of the respective author. For information about the author, please contact info@flux-pumps.co.uk.

To facilitate business within existing business relationships with FLUX, FLUX grants the user a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the files as downloaded. This right of use may be revoked at any time. Any copyrights or similar notices must be retained without modification.

Please request permission from FLUX if there is any doubt as to the intended use or the copyright status of graphics and photos.
Trademarks and copyrights
All trademarks shown on this website are the property of FLUX, unless identified as third-party rights or identifiable as such in any other way. Any unauthorised use of these trademarks and other materials is expressly prohibited and represents an infringement of the copyrights, trademark rights or other intellectual property rights.

The contents and works created on these web pages by the operator are protected by UK copyright law. Any reproduction, editing, distribution and any kind of exploitation outside the bounds of copyright law require the written consent of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of these web pages may be made exclusively for private, non-commercial use.

Where any content on this website is not created by the operator, third-party copyrights must be observed. In particular, any third-party content is identified as such. Should you, nevertheless, find any copyright infringement, please inform us. If any violation of a right or law becomes known, we will immediately remove the relevant content.
Limitation of liability
As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on these web pages in accordance with the generally applicable laws. However, as a service provider, we are not obligated to monitor external information transmitted or stored or to investigate circumstances indicative of unlawful actions. This does not affect obligations to remove or prevent the use of information under the generally applicable laws. However, any liability may exist only from the time knowledge is obtained of any concrete violation of a right or law. If any violation of a right or law becomes known, we will immediately remove the relevant content.

FLUX has compiled the information provided on this website from internal and external sources to the best of its knowledge and belief and with professional diligence. We strive to constantly expand and update the information provided. The information provided on this website exclusively serves to present FLUX and FLUX products and services. However, we do not assume any liability, neither implied nor express, that the information provided on this website is complete or accurate. Please note that the information has been up-to-date on the day of publication but may be outdated. Therefore, you should check the information given on this website before you use it in any way whatsoever. Advice given on this website, in particular guidance notes regarding the product configurator, does not alleviate you of responsibility for checking suitability of purpose in regard to chemical compatibility. Please contact us directly if you need any special advice or instructions as to our products or services.

The user of this website agrees to access this website and its contents at his own risk. Neither FLUX nor any third party involved in the creation, production or transmission of this website can be held liable for any damage or injury that result from accessing or the impossibility of being able to access the website, the usage or the impossibility of being able to use the website, or your decision to rely on a piece of information that you have obtained from this website.
Third-party websites / links
This website also contains links or references to third-party websites. Such links to third-party websites do not mean consent to their contents on which FLUX has no influence. Therefore, we cannot assume any warranty for these external contents. The respective website provider or operator is responsible for the contents of linked web pages. The linked web pages have been checked for possible breaches of law at the time the link was established. Unlawful content has not been identified at the time any link has been established. However, continuous checking of the contents of the linked pages without any concrete indication of a violation of a right or law is not reasonable. When any violation of a right or law becomes known, we will immediately remove the relevant link.

FLUX does not assume responsibility for the availability or the contents of such websites and no liability for any damage or injury resulting from the use, in any way whatsoever, of such contents. Links to other websites are provided to the users of this present website only for convenience. FLUX does not warrant that the links will, without change and with consistent quality, provide information on a subject. The user will establish connections to these websites at his own risk. The choice of links provided shall in no way restrict you to the information provided at the linked websites.
Information provided by you
The user of the website is fully responsible for any and all information he sends to FLUX as regards contents and accuracy and for ensuring that third-party rights are not infringed. The user agrees that FLUX may store this information and use it for statistical evaluation or other named business purposes, except for personal data which is not existing data or usage data. FLUX is in particular authorised to use for any purpose, including the development, production and/or marketing of products and services, the content of such information provided, including ideas, inventions, concepts, techniques or know-how which may be contained therein, and to reproduce that information and make it accessible to third parties without restriction.
International users
This website is controlled, operated and administered by FLUX at the site of the editorial office in Verwood, UK. It is intended for international use. However, FLUX does not guarantee that the information provided on this website is correct in all parts of the world, in particular that the products and services are available worldwide with the same design and/or size and at the same terms and conditions. Should you access this website and/or download any of its contents, you will yourself be responsible for ensuring this is compatible with the local laws applicable at the place where you are located. In different countries, the products mentioned on this website may have different container/package sizes, labelling or marking and be subject to different customs and shipping regulations.
For more detailed information, please contact the FLUX subsidiary or distribution partner indicated for your country at 'Contact', 'Contact worldwide'.
Sale of FLUX products
FLUX products are sold subject to our General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery as amended from time to time.
Governing law
All legal claims or processes arising in connection with this website or its usage are subject without exception to the law of the United Kingdom. Insofar as it may be contractually agreed, the sole place of jurisdiction is the Company’s principal place of business.